Eva Gadd - Out Here

Eva Gadd - Out Here

Our Song Pick of the Day feature, which I've chosen in advance already since it came out at the end of July, fits beautifully into this week's newsletter, where we also address the topic of making a living as a musician. (The newsletter for example, touches on the movie Amadeus as well as Austria's Falco's smash hit "Rock Me Amadeus.")
We're super excited to hear new music from British singer/songwriter Eva Gadd and her new single "Out Here" continues what "The One" has hinted at. Eva lays it all out when she gives us more insight about "Out Here:"

"Choosing to be a creative artist or performer is not everyone's idea of a sensible career, and I've experienced questions like "but when are you going to get a proper job? and "are you making money yet?" Being made to feel niaive, unrealistic, even stupid for pursui,g music by people who want to bring you down to earth isn't fun, but I'm tuning out those comments, and in Out Here I want to prove them wrong, but also acknowledge how lonely doing something different than the crowd can be.  Ultimately though, the message is positive; In the second verse the words "I would walk this earth to find you" describe myself now, and my future self, knowing deep down, I'll only reach that person I've wanted to be since I was little by staying true to myself."

Listen to "Out Here," our Song Pick of the Day:

Connect with Eva Gadd and add "Out Here" to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and YouTube: