Emma Gatrill - Seed

Emma Gatrill - Seed

With its mellow and super pleasant feel and an intriguing variety of instruments, Emma Gatrill‘s sound can be described as ‘folk-pop.’ On her newest single, “Seed,” one can hear almost everything from a harp to an oboe to a recorder and different types of synths and soft drums, of course, which all together create a fun and uplifting vibe. At the same time, “Seed” is secretly very catchy, and you don’t even notice how this beautiful little song wiggled itself into your ears!

Aside from Emma’s own ethereal vocals, “Seed” also features the vocals of Rozi Plain, Kate Stables, and Rachael Dadd who add depth and nuances to the track. A lot of thoughts and experiences come together in “Seed,” as Emma explains:

“‘Seed’ attempts to represent how tough life can be. We may sow a thousand seeds but only one may survive and grow, but that one can be everything. That one idea can blossom if we nurture it. That one kind gesture from a stranger can change how the whole day goes. Stay strong, stand up for what you believe and don’t feel afraid to ask if you need help. That’s how we all learn. It was an honour to have Kate, Rozi and Rachael all add vocals to this tune. I’ve enjoyed playing music with all three of them so much over the years and learnt a lot musically from them. I really wanted this song to have a feeling of camaraderie and a sense of togetherness. Kate’s wild recorder and ocarina also sonically embody one aspect of the song’s meaning for me – the continual cacophony of life perhaps! To find answers we have to ask questions. To find kindness we have to be kind. To grow we have to learn. Seed is about trying to be the best possible version of us in a world which is tough.”

Emma Gatrill’s new album, Come Swim, is scheduled for November  24, 2023, via Willkommen Records. Listen to “Seed,” our Song Pick of the Day:

Connect with Emma Gatrill and add “Seed” to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and YouTube:

Photo Credit: Sequoia Ziff