EDDY - Concrete

EDDY - Concrete

From London comes the young singer/songwriter EDDY, delighting us with the light and instantly catchy "Concrete." The track starts out all soft and harmonious and stays that way throughout, providing a beautiful carpetry for EDDY's whisper-sweet, enchanting vocals. Asked about her new single, she says:

‘‘Concrete’ is an exploration into new love and the process of trusting that someone is truly good for you. I wrote it one evening in my bedroom and it kept unfolding in this gorgeous tentative love song. It's about seeing this new person in your life in everything around you and coming to the realisation that this is the first healthy love you’ve known. It's about the appreciation of the support they bring. But it's shy, and it's slightly unsure, and it's guarded. I think you can hear that in the track with the soft vocals and gentle melodies; it reflects that pensive, fresh relationship when someones been hurt before. The line in the first verse about the parachute is my favourite; it sums up the song perfectly.”

Listen to EDDY, our Song Pick of the Day:

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