Dylan Menzie - Strong Enough

Dylan Menzie - Strong Enough

Canadian singer, songwriter, and producer Dylan Menzie today released “Strong Enough,” a vibrant and utterly beautiful reminder to keep on going and believing in yourself. Aside from the catchy, genius chorus, the track stands out with its rather unusual instrumentation. When was the last time you heard a fiddle in a really cool pop song? Thats where “Strong Enough” comes in. Asked about his new single, Dylan says:

“Life is full of ups and downs. And Strong Enough – as uplifting and funky as it is – was sparked from a down moment. Through making records – I’ve struggled a lot with relying on external validation – and I wanted to have a song that could talk myself back to a hopeful attitude, haha. When you pour your soul into something – it can weigh heavily on your sense of self when it doesn’t meet whatever expectations you had for it. Putting art into the world can feel like such a weird high wire act – to balance putting such personal experiences into something and then trying to sell them. At the same time – I feel like dedicating my life to writing and performing songs has helped me grow into a much deeper version of myself – and that’s a worthwhile pursuit that I can’t see myself stopping.”

Listen to “Strong Enough,” our Song Pick of the Day:

Connect with Dylan Menzie and add “Strong Enough” to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and YouTube: