Dutch Mustard - Feel Everything

Dutch Mustard - Feel Everything

Netherlands-born, London-based Sarah-Jayne Riedel – SJ – is the mastermind behind shoegazing alt-rock project Dutch Mustard. After a little hiatus, SJ is back with the beautifully hazy and crazy catchy “Feel Everything,” that makes you, pardon the pun, go through some vivid feelings of happiness being alive. The intensity of “Feeling Everything” is absolutely mesmerizing! Asked about the track, SJ says:

“Emotions and feelings are a difficult beast to tame, but sometimes it might just be better to let them run wild, and allow yourself to truly Feel Everything.”

Listen to “Feel Everything,” our Song Pick of the Day:

Connect with Dutch Mustard and add “Feel Everything” to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and AppleMusic:

Photo Credit: Luke Starkey