Dream Prescription - Star Size

Dream Prescription - Star Size

Looks like New York’s synth-pop duo Dream Prescription is off to a good start. Live now a five-piece, Tim Robert (vocals, guitar) and Kent Friedman (synthesizer) continue to release great pop songs, and their newest one, “Star Size,” might be their finest to date! It’s one of these works where sound and lyrics come together to form something meaningful with an important message. For me, the infectious, exuberant track means being playful without being afraid to be judged or do something wrong and living life in a joyful way without harming anybody. Being me. “Star Size” serves as a beautiful reminder and perfect anthem.

Asked about “Star Size,” Tim says:

“The music for this song came quickly, and it felt sort of triumphant. I wanted to play around with the idea that everyone can feel like a star with the right attitude. In the second verse, I tried to get across my experience that embracing my own “weirdness” and laughing at myself has helped me feel better in my own skin.”

Listen to “Star Size,” our Song Pick of the Day:

Connect with Dream Prescription and add “Star Size” to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and YouTube: