Dream Prescription - Out Of My Head

New York indie-rockers Dream Prescription evolve their post-punk-tinged sound further with their new vibrant single "Out Of My Head." The track comes with a light-hearted and infectious vibe, that's impossible to escape. Dream Prescription started out as a project by vocalist, guitarist and songwriter Tim Robert teaming up with synthesist Kent Friedman. Live the duo expanded to a full band with Adam Fischel on drums, Brittany Anjou on keys and David Leatherwood on bass.
"You never know where inspiration strikes," is something I once stated online, which stirred up some unwanted and unwelcomed unpleasantries. However, as Tim explains here, it can also be a good thing to just roll with inspiration and see where it leads you. Tim says:
“I didn’t plan to create an over-the-top fantasy involving sex and cars. The idea came when I woke up early one morning with the 'same old song / can’t get out of my head' melody and lyrics going through my head. I had no idea what my unconscious was trying to tell me, but I liked it, so I tried to come up with some fun imagery to fit the spirit of the raw idea. Some of the lyrics might offend some people, but I think sometimes it’s good to have a little fun even if you’re not being very polite. Besides, for as long as rock music has been around, sex and cars have been two of its biggest motifs. You only need to listen to Chuck Berry to know that.”
Listen to "Out Of My Head," our Song Pick of the Day:
Connect with Dream Prescription and add "Out Of My Head" to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and YouTube. Listen to our Song Pick of the Day on Spotify or Apple Music.
See Dream Prescription live on April 16, at The Bowery Electric.