Dizzy - Open Up Wide

Dizzy - Open Up Wide

The Canadian four-piece Dizzy has been good for stops-you-in-your-track indie pop since their 2018 debut “Baby Teeth.” Now they are releasing their third, self-titled album this summer, and judging from the highly infectious singles, they are still on their a-game. The latest song, “Open Up Wide,” came together spontaneously during the album’s recording sessions. The band recalls:

“When we started recording the album our producer David was super conscious of cutting the fat from each song. One afternoon he encouraged us to write our parts in a simpler, more ‘spoonfed’ fashion for easy listening, when [band member] Mack piped up cheekily ‘Open up wide! Here comes the airplane!’. The next morning we were all feeling a bit resentful of that mindset and ‘Open Up Wide’ came to be while we were having our morning coffees. It’s a tongue in cheek ode to a music industry we’ve never understood all that well.”

And what’s up with Katie Munshaw’s mask? She explains:

“I’m a very anxious and sensitive person. Thinking about taking a bunch of photos and videos of myself, especially after two years in isolation, felt a bit shocking and scary, and like something I didn’t really want to do, I find it strange how musicians are often introverted people, yet one of the largest parts of our job is visually selling ourselves to an audience. It feels unnatural to pine for strangers’ attention to afford rent or whatever, and as someone who’s particularly sensitive, it isn’t sustainable.”

Watch the visualizer below or listen to our Song Pick of the Day, “Open Up Wide,” on your favorite streaming service:

(Photo: Boy Wonder)