December 2019 // January 2020 in Rearview

In case you’re living somewhere where the winter months equal grey skies and cold temperatures, then you might be as glad as we are that hopefully the worst -weather wise- might be behind us. This first month of the brand new decade turned out to be an especially taxing one but luckily, some truly exciting music got released around that time. Among our favorite albums of January are TORRES “Silver Tongue” and Georgia’s “Seeking Thrills“.
Thinking of albums, of course we also went through our shelves and identified our favorite ten albums of the decade:
Looking back to December, we started the Videos Picks of the Week feature, which we also continue in 2020. We understand how much passion, time and money goes into the creation of a music video, that’s why we watch every single video that lands in our inbox and more, and select what we liked esthetically and musically best.
Pre-sale for Campers Welcome festival, the annual, intimate celebration of indie music put together by the The Wild Honey Pie, has started in January. Eagerly awaiting this year’s line-up reveal, and after listening to the playlist, we secured ourselves two Early Bird TICKETS because after our experience in 2019, we knew: We LOVE Welcome Campers, even though we’ve never been to a summer camp as children or maybe exactly because of this. In our minds, there is anyway no better way to kick off summer on the Memorial Day weekend.
What can you expect? Stellar performances in unusual places, close encounters with up-and-coming artists, lots of very nice people, food, drink and all kinds of relaxed, fun activities. And the best: everything, food, drinks, lodging is included.
January also luckily withheld ice and snow for the most part but offered ample opportunities to see many of our favorite (Brooklyn-based) musicians live. Many of these events were intimate and very friendly affairs, with the music community coming together. MORE of this please!
So, whose shows did we see? In chronological order:
- Paulina Vo @ Mercury Lounge
- Joan Mercury @ Pianos
- McKenzie Shivers @ Rockwood Music Hall, stage 3
- Baker Grace @ The Delancey
- Russel Johnson @ Rockwood Music Hall, stage 1
- Hachiku @ Trans Pecos
- She’s Excited @ Hart Bar
- Sophie Colette @ Rockwood Music Hall, stage 1
- TORRES @ Sultan Room
And… our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify got new updates too. Each and every day. Give us your follow!