Deadbeat Girl - These Walls

Deadbeat Girl - These Walls

Deadbeat Girl is the moniker of New York-via-Florida singer, songwriter, and producer Val Olson. “These Walls” from Val’s debut EP What Will It Take conveys the feeling of being locked out in your community in a beautifully melancholic and moving way.

Val explains:

I grew up feeling like I could never be myself, I was violently closetted through highschool. When I did have a relationship and people found out, I got so much shit for it. It was a nightmare. Despite there being a queer community in Florida, I was absolutely not in touch with it. Off the back of that, I moved to New York to study, hoping that would be somewhere I could spread my wings and be myself.”

Listen to our Song Pick of the Day, “These Walls,” below:

(Photo: Jada Solèy Rodriguez)