Connie Constance - Mood Hoover

Connie Constance - Mood Hoover

I loved “Mood Hoover,” the new effortlessly catchy single by Connie Constance, from the spot but simply couldn’t understand what the British artist meant by the song’s title. Have you heard of a “Mood Hoover” before? Connie herself to the rescue, who explains:

The writing of this song came from one of my mum’s classic phrases… “mood hoover” she would call my adolescent brother when he would finally make it down to dinner to be around his (from his teenage point of view) out of touch parents and uncool siblings, and not really want to engage in our family chit chat. I was in the studio with Sam Breathwick and Sam Knowles and we were jamming through some ideas. Sammy K said to me that it would be fun if I wrote a song about me and my man but from more of a love hate perspective. All those bits about your lover that drive you nuts but you couldn’t live without. I had ‘mood hoover’ written down in my notes and Sam Knowles had ‘easy peeler’ written down under his band names. From there I dived into my little bit sarcy, little bit cheeky and a little bit moody perspective. This song is our “us against the world” song. Could be your lover, or your partner in crime. It’s saying that, in our unique bubble, we’re the most awesome people in the world – with all our jagged edges, baggage, dreams, and quirks… People just don’t know it yet, but one day they will.

The above all sounds very cozy, comfy, and intriguing, but I still had no idea what the phrase could possibly mean until I threw it into the translator, which made me smile. Hoover, the vacuum cleaner brand, ergo a mood hoover, is someone who sucks all the life and energy out of other people and infiltrates them with their own negative onset. Now, I not only learned a new phrase but have an ultra gorgeous song to go with it. Listening to Connie Constance’s previous singles, I think I just discovered a new favorite artist too.

“Mood Hoover” can be found on Connie’s forthcoming album, Miss Power, due out November 4th via” Play It Again Sam. Listen to “Mood Hoover,” our Song Pick of the Day:

Connect with Connie Constance and add “Mood Hoover” to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and AppleMusic:

Photo Credit: Joel Palmer