common goldfish - I Don't Feel Today

common goldfish - I Don't Feel Today

British songwriter, producer, and multi-instrumentalist common goldfish raises important questions with his new single “I Don’t Feel Today.” The track is captivating from the start and offers a fascinating blend of classic piano, psychedelic synths, and earthy vocals.

Based in Tottenham, North London, Jonty Lovell (common goldfish) says about his new single:

We are living more and more on top of each other but for some reason we’re becoming increasingly isolated from one another. The rise of independence and individualism has been at the expense of community and a sense of belonging.

This is a sentiment I often hear from people who are not living in a big city but in a smaller town. Personally, I feel that, especially in a city, you still do have the feeling of community and belonging because it’s not simply handed to you.  However, you need to actively look for it and find your niches and like-minded people. Lovell explains further:

With the pace of life getting faster and faster, we’re spending more and more time in front of screens on a never-ending quest for instant gratification. I do worry that we’re losing our sense of reality and what matters most – human interaction and connection.

A lot is changing, no doubt, and it is important to reflect on these changes and challenge them. The more I love the vibe of “I Don’t Feel Today,” the mesmerizing repetitions, and the great rhythm. Listen to “I Don’t Feel Today,” our Song Pick of the Day:

Connect with common goldfish and add “I Don’t Feel Today” to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and AppleMusic: