Close Talker - Exodus

Close Talker - Exodus

Our favorite Canadian indie-rockers, Close Talker are about to release a new album and “Exodus” marks the second single from The Sprawl, due out on March 22nd, 2024. As longtime fans of the band, and as indie music bloggers, we got treated to an early listening of the album,  and did not get disappointed. The album will delight old fans as much as it should win new fans. It sits somewhere between the poppy playfulness of Phoenix,  the craftiness of In Rainbows era Radiohead, and the songwriter sensibilities of Sufjan Stevens. In short: we LOVE it, and the new single “Exodus” is just the perfect representation of the album’s allure. We asked Close Talker for some insight to the exquisite “Exodus,” and Matt says:

“For years the band sat firmly on the front burner taking precedence over nearly everything. We chased opportunities, often spreading ourselves thin and not always taking time to recognize collateral damage. To be fair, we loved nearly every minute of it. ‘Exodus‘ leans into the quiet confidence that comes with realizing, maybe you’re not content. It doesn’t have to come shrouded with guilt, but rather comes with a sense of peace; just being self aware of your weaknesses, even if that weakness is ambition. Discovering how you want to grow is never bad, but also rarely painless.”

Listen to “Exodus,” our Song Pick of the Day:

Connect with Close Talker and add “Exodus” to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and YouTube:

Photo Credit: Nicole Marie Plett