Clean Out Louis - Foreigner

Clean Out Louis - Foreigner

Depending on your viewpoint, Sylvester Zabello was only or already six years old when on his first day of school, he found out that his full name would start with ‘Louis.’ Quite the surprise, isn’t it? While Sylvester still doesn’t go by Louis, together with his bandmate Mingus Runge, he used it as part of their artist moniker: Clean Out Louis. That’s pretty cool! Today, the Danish duo released their debut single, the groovy “Foreigner,” which comes with an exciting dose of Reggae feeling and infectious hooks. It’s a rather unconventional track, and I cannot wait to hear more from the two, who have made a mark already in other Nordic bands. This is what Sylvester says about their first single.

“It’s a song that sort of reminisces that anxious first day of school feeling. A moment of alienation – to your surroundings and to yourself. But to us, ‘Foreigner’ also represents redemption,”

Mingus adds:

“I recorded the drums and the bass, kind of imagining where the track was going. But when I played it to Sylvester, he immediately added a whole new unexplored energy to the song’s direction with his voice, eventually adding on the wobbly synths and a funky reggae feel coming out of nowhere, representing who we are as a creative team.”

Listen to “Foreigner,” our Song Pick of the Day:

Connect with Clean Out Louis and add “Foreigner” to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and YouTube:

Photo Credit: Mathias Haugaard