Cillë - Lizzie

Cillë - Lizzie

When the going gets tough, nostalgia to the rescue! “Lizzie,” the new glorious rock-banger by Cillë, throws us right back to a time when such music was played on the radio and when we were young and full of hopes and dreams. Cillë is the stage name of Cecilie Maria Nielsen, who first made a name for herself in her home country Denmark, as the main songwriter, lead singer, and bass player of the all-female rock band Taras. A move to New York City, changed that and finds Cecilie going solo, exploring the glam side of her songwriting chops. For her new single, she enlisted producer Matt Chiaravalle and has a show coming up (info & tickets).

We asked Cecilie about the inspiration for “Lizzie,” and she says:

The release of ‘Lizzie’ is a full circle moment. I wrote this song at age 19 when I saw a photo of a friend who had just gotten a huge Mötley Crüe tattoo on her arm. It was so badass—she was so badass! She told me, just recently, that this song reminds her of a different time of her life when everything was about rock ‘n roll, parties, and having fun—it awakens the same type of memories for me. This song is made up of everything that fascinated me as a teenager, and underneath all the things I have managed to build on top of her, that teenage girl is still there, eager to get heard. So, here we are.

We get the “full circle” sentiment and feel it strongly reflected in this empowering, uplifting, and irresistibly brilliant number! Listen to “Lizzie,” our Song Pick of the Day:

Connect with Cillë and add “Lizzie” to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and AppleMusic: