CIEL - Fine Everything (Video)

CIEL - Fine Everything (Video)

“Fine Everything,” the newest song by Brighton three-piece CIEL combines catchy pop elements with refined indie rock, and the result is absolutely stunning. The track lets Hindrik’s beautifully bright vocals shine on a bed of fuzzy, shoegaze guitars and pulsating drum beats. CIEL are Michelle Hindriks (vocals, bass), Jorge Bela Jimenez (guitar), and Tim Spencer (drums), and each band member originates from a different European country, which I find particularly compelling.

Michelle Hindriks says about “Fine Everything:”

It’s about coming of age, and not really knowing how to navigate life. The doubts and difficulties that involve making life-changing decisions, yet maybe not being ready growing up, when all your friends are. I was thinking of how so many people lost touch with their inner gut feeling and instincts, and how all the possibilities in life can feel so overwhelming sometimes. It’s almost kind of easier to stay oblivious to it instead of digging deep into your mind.

CIEL created a fun band video for “Fine Everything,” which at times borders at silliness but also highlights the dilemma of adolescence perfectly. Listen to “Fine Everything,” our Song Pick of the Day, and watch the Jay Bartlett directed video now:

Connect with CIEL and add “Fine Everything” to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and AppleMusic:

Photo Credit: Percy Walker-Smart