Chasing Kites - Collide

Chasing Kites - Collide

Bristol-based indie-rockers Chasing Kites add another stunning single to their appealing collection, the vibrant “Collide.” In classic indie-rock style, the track starts out slowly, tentatively even, and swells until it cumulates in one cool crescendo. “Collide” has an interesting backstory that can be reflected upon in different ways. Vocalist and lyricist Donnelly explains:

“The writing of ‘Collide’ took me into unexplored territory in terms of the lyrical content. The track tells the story of how my parents fell in love in somewhat unusual circumstances, in that my dad was already married, and my Mum in a long-term relationship. I find it incredibly romantic how their love for one another was strong enough to overcome this. I’d been keen to incorporate this story into a Chasing Kites track for a while and for whatever reason, this piece of instrumentation felt like the perfect opportunity”, says Donnelly.

Listen to “Collide,” our Song Pick of the Day:

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