Charm of Finches - Clean Cut [Video]

Charm of Finches - Clean Cut [Video]

Melbourne’s indie-folk duo Charm of Finches again puts us under their spell with their brand new single “Clean Cut.” While sisters Mabel and Ivy Windred-Wornes still rely on a warm folk feel and their enchanting harmonies, “Clean Cut” gives way to a more advanced and refined sound. Here is a band who knows exactly how they want to sound and go for it. The result is mesmerizing and utterly irresistible.

How to possibly follow up such a beautiful and convincing piece of art? I guess we will find out on April 19, when their fourth full-length album, Marlinchen in the Snow, drops via SPUNK! Records. One thing’s for sure: we won’t be disappointed! Asked about the track, Charm of Finches say:

“Going away on tour served as the catalyst for a break-up and Clean Cut is some self-advice. We stayed with a lovely lady in Oslo, Norway who let us play her gorgeous grand piano and the first part of Clean Cut was penned. We created a music video for this song with the help of lots of friends who were willing to dress up as dolls and clowns. This was a huge 22 hour shoot in a warehouse in Melbourne creating the world of a mysterious haunted doll museum.”

Listen to “Clean Cut,” our Song Pick of the Day, and check out the video, too, because the sisters make the BEST music videos.  Yes, they produced and directed the “Clean Cut” video. Watch it now:

Connect with Charm of Finches and add “Clean Cut” to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and YouTube: