Caroline Romano - Born to Want More

Life rarely goes as expected. In the intimate song "Born to Want More," Caroline Romano shares a moment of uncertainty about her wishes and dreams. She finds no resolution in the song as it builds to an angry bridge and drops again into the doubtful chorus.
Caroline says:
“I wrote ‘Born to Want More’ during a time when I was grappling with a series of ‘almosts’—those moments where things felt so close but still just out of reach. This song captures that wits-end feeling where you’re wondering if you’ll ever find what you’re looking for. You’re chasing experiences and feelings that you know exists but you haven’t yet found. It’s something I know all too well. It’s by far one of my more vulnerable songs I’ve released, and it’s one of my favorites for that reason.”
"Born to Want More" will be on Caroline's new EP, How The Good Girls Die, out early next year. Listen to our Song Pick of the Day on your favorite streaming service or below on YouTube:
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