carina - summer air buzz ft. Bel Cobain

carina - summer air buzz ft. Bel Cobain

The cover photo might make you think of gentle folk songs but there’s nothing ‘folksy’ about carina’s music. It’s subtle, understated lo-fi pop at its best. Think Billy Eilish before she became a household name. The London-based artist just released her debut EP spaceout!, a beautiful collection of five fabulous songs. For me, “summer air buzz” ft. Bel Cobain is the standout track with its laidback, intimate and crazy catchy feel. The lyrics support the feel-good vibe:

Mood nice and mellow, cool air kept by a sun so yellow, mood smooth like the sun play cello.

Inspired by lo-fi beats and using as many real-world sounds as possible, carina says about her EP:

To me the tracks all kind of flow into each other, and I really wanted it to feel immersive more than anything else. To me, the record is basically a dream-like spacey version of my life at the time when I was 16.

Listen to “summer air buzz,” our Song Pick of the Day:

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