Blonde Redhead - Snowman

Blonde Redhead - Snowman

In case you’re a fan, too, then you surely have your own moment when you discovered Blonde Redhead. For Oliver and me, it was a Saturday in the fall of 2007 when we browsed the shelves of a Brooklyn record store and went home with Blonde Redhead’s seventh studio album, 23, and had it on repeat for months. (Such a different discovery experience back then, also a topic in our newsletter.)

Like most of us, Blonde Redhead were also derailed by the pandemic and had to come to terms with the completely changed landscape. They wrote and recorded  Sit Down for Dinner over a five-year period spanning New York City, upstate New York, Milan, and Tuscany. The title is also not taken accidentally, but sitting down for dinner together and spending time with each other is something very important, as Simone states:

“I know a lot of people eat and run, eat in front of their TV, or don’t care about it too much—and that’s OK—but we really do. It’s a moment for us to sit down and have time with each other.”

Amedeo wrote “Snowman” while on a bus in the Monte Rosa mountains and battling motion sickness, which I can so relate to. He says:

“I got inspired to write a song that only had two chords and a melody that would live and float between them. ‘Snowman’ is about how it can be a blessing or a curse to be invisible and undetectable, and how it’s something we all feel and desire at times.”

Listen to “Snowman,” our Song Pick of the Day:

Connect with Blonde Redhead and add “Snowman” to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and AppleMusic, and Pre-order Sit Down for Dinner.

Photo Credit: Charles Billot