Blanket Approval - Two Broken Halves

Blanket Approval - Two Broken Halves

“Two Broken Halves,” the new single by New York-based indie-rockers Blanket Approval, comes with infectious energy and a confident, joyous vibe. The quartet formed in 2021 via chance encounters and the help of a Craigslist ad. We asked Blanket Approval for more info about their new song, and Jack Matteucci (guitar, vocals) says:

Ultimately, “Two Broken Halves” is about the sinister allure of regressing back into your old self. We wanted the song to mirror that exact experience, luring the listener in with a slick, self-aware groove that quickly gives way to a bulldozing refrain, demolishing any critical thought in its way.

Catch Blanket Approval live when they play Manhattan’s Bowery Electric on April 28, 2023. Listen to “Two Broken Halves,” our Song Pick of the Day:

Connect with Blanket Approval and add “Two Broken Halves” to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and AppleMusic: