Black Belt Eagle Scout - Don't Give Up

Black Belt Eagle Scout - Don't Give Up

“Don’t Give Up” is a simple but beautiful encouragement for all those who struggle to keep their mental health. For Katherine Paul, aka Black Belt Eagle Scout, this means connecting with things bigger than the daily mess: to “the land, the water, the sky” of her home, but also to those who came before us and in the end prevailed.

Katherine says about the song:

“Spending time with the land and on the water are ways that strengthen my connection to my ancestors and to my culture. It helps heal my spirit and is the form of self-care that helps me the most. The lyrics ‘I don’t give up’ mean staying alive. I wrote this song for me but also for my community and anyone who deals with challenging mental health issues to remind us just how much of a role our connection to the environment plays within our healing process. At the end of the song when I sing ‘the land, the water, the sky,’ I wanted to sing it like my late grandfather Alexander Paul Sr. sang in our family’s big drum group – from the heart.”

Listen to our Song Pick of the Day, “Don’t Give Up,” on your favorite streaming service or below on Bandcamp:

(Photo: Nate Lemuel, Darklisted Photography)