Asylums - Instant Coffee

Asylums - Instant Coffee

Granted, instant coffee couldn’t be further away from a freshly brewed cup of coffee made from just ground coffee beans if it tried, but it serves as a metaphor for the state we’re in as a society. The new single by British quartet Asylums is no big lament but more of a pensive track, that doesn’t even go all gloomy but is beautifully nostalgic and instantly catchy. The vibe “Instant Coffee” conveys is like being invited by a dear friend or a caring stranger to a good cup of coffee (sic!) and a lovely chat. Dave Eringa, who produced “Instant Coffee,” says about the song and Asylum’s frontman Luke Branch:

It’s like all of Luke’s songwriting to date has been leading up to Instant Coffee, a beautifully melancholic perfect pop song with real depth! Late 90’s Albarn meets the great bits of American indie at a classical concert & they all get together for a party!

“Instant Coffee” is such a beautiful melange of feelings and melody! It immediately appealed to me as I earlier today set up a scene and took some photos for tomorrow’s International Coffee Day. For now, listen to “Instant Coffee,” our Song Pick of the Day, and then tomorrow some more:

Connect with Asylums and add “Instant Coffee” to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and AppleMusic:

Photo Credit: Alistair Underwood