Arts Fishing Club - doug song

Arts Fishing Club - doug song

From Nashville, TN comes Arts Fishing Club, an indie-rock and folk band we became fans of since their beautiful “foster falls.” Today, they released a new offering from their upcoming album Rothko Sky (release date TBD,) the beautiful “doug song” showcasing Christopher Kessenich‘s alluring vocals.

We got treated to an early listening of the album and can honestly say, that I absolutely love it. There are many more potential singles on the album, whether they get picked as such or not. In discussing the song, frontman Christopher Kessenich said:

“I was in a sunny room taking care of my friend’s dog Doug.  He was laying on the ground and this song fell out of me in a matter of minutes. Sometimes that happens with songs.  They just fall out. It was a breath.  A moment in time when I was sitting in silence and all of these thoughts about my life came into clarity: that I’ve been afraid to record my songs, that sometimes I feel like a phony in Nashville cause I’m in constant awe of the talented people around me, that I struggle with drinking and self-medicating.  I was sitting in silence with Doug and all of these “truths” that had been ringing in my ear for a long time came clear to me.”

What a pivotal moment! I think we all have them from time to time, and they are also not an isolated occurrence as we have to remind ourselves repeatedly. Christopher continues to reflect:

“The third verse is hopeful though.  I recognize that no matter what I do, I’m unfortunately and unintentionally going to hurt people.  Existence is violent. when you take the risk to step out and dance, you’re inevitably going to step on peoples’ toes. My “apology” to my mother and future sons is not to them but rather a universal apology to all I’ve hurt and to those I’ll hurt in the future. I won’t stop trying though.  I won’t hide.  I’m going to continue to take the risk of loving and do the best I can.”

Listen to “doug song,” our Song Pick of the Day:

Connect with Arts Fishing Club and add “doug song” to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and AppleMusic: