Arto Vaun - Build My Own Fever

Arto Vaun - Build My Own Fever

The title of  Arto Vaun‘s new single, “Build My Own Fever,” resonated immediately with me. It’s the little flame that needs to live in me and be nurtured with room to grow. It turns out the song has a different background and meaning, but that is, of course, okay, too. Arno Vaun is a multicultural songwriter/musician and poet from Boston, MA., and the jangly, mesmerizing “Build My Own Fever” marks the third single from his upcoming debut album, Stuck Inside a Map, scheduled to drop in July. Asked about the song’s inspiration and meaning, Arto says:

“I wrote ‘Build My Own Fever’ partly as a response to feeling overwhelmed by all the uncertainty in the world lately, and the sensory overload we’re all dealing with. It’s about trying to stay grounded even when things feel untethered and chaotic, and finding perspective to see the universality and connectedness between and around us all.”

Listen to “Build My Own Fever,” our Song Pick of the Day:

Connect with Arto Vaun and add “Build My Own Fever” to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and YouTube: