Art d’ Ecco - I Feel Alive [Video]

Art d’ Ecco - I Feel Alive [Video]
Photo Credit: IzzyKaz

“I Feel Alive” is the new single from Art d’ Ecco and it’s the perfect summer song or any time of year or day really when you welcome a little boost of joy-de-vivre. The Canadian musician wrote the track mainly on the fly while in Los Angeles, intending to relax. However, creative work doesn’t wait but wants to get out. When Art was back in Victoria, the song got shipped off to Gus Van Go (Metric, The Beaches) in Toronto to mix it, together with a note that said: “Go big and wide as possible.” The result is stellar and, without a doubt, one of my favorite songs of the summer of 2024!

Asked about the track, Art says:

“‘I Feel Alive’ is about breaking free. I wanted to tie my love for music to that feeling of being alive – when a song lights you on fire from the inside – it’s a powerful, undeniable emotion.”

Listen to “I Feel Alive,” our Song Pick of the Day:

Connect with Art d’ Ecco and add “I Feel Alive” to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and YouTube: