Annie-Dog - Double Cherry

Annie-Dog - Double Cherry

With only two singles released, newcomer Annie-Dog already proves that she’s a talent to follow closely! For those of us who listened to Smashing Pumpkin’s album Adore on repeat back in 1998, the name might sound familiar as it is the very moody track number eleven. However, that alone wouldn’t put you on the radar of the legendary indie-rockers (she received praise from the band across social media,) so there needs to be mesmerizing music to back it up, and that’s exactly what this Dublin-based musician creates. Her newest single, “Double Cherry,” is captivating from the start, with its intriguing rhythm, poetic lyrics, and the artist’s appealing vocals. I’m hooked and am looking foward to hearing more from Annie-Dog! Asked about the track, she says:

“Double Cherry was written by me in my boyfriend’s house. Double Cherry is about so many things – I wouldn’t know where to start. I suppose it’s a song about relationships. My relationship with myself. My relationship with my boyfriend. His relationships with people he knew before me. Mine, before him. It’s always love at the start of things. And everything feels fated.”

The accompanying video has a rather interesting story, as Annie-Dog explains:

“I had bought this glass prism in the charity shop around the corner from my house a few days before writing ‘Double Cherry’. It was €2. After the song was finished, I decided to make a video for it. I didn’t have a camera, so I opened up Photo Booth on my laptop. My bedroom-scape looked particularly lame that day, so I picked up my newly acquired prism and started to move it around in front of the camera, catching and distorting different angles. In the same way,when you’re in love, sometimes you have a distorted view of the other person. You only see what you want to see. You miss a lot of what’s really there”.

Listen to “Double Cherry,” our Song Pick of the Day, check out the video and her stellar debut single “The Pressures of the Heart,” ” too:

Connect with Annie-Dog and add “Double Cherry” to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and YouTube:

Photo Credit: Omero Mumba