Aniwa - show up

Aniwa - show up

London-based pop singer/songwriter Aniwa delights with the sweet and alluring “show up.” The pensive track offers a soothing vibe with enough room to carry Aniwa’s charming, powder-soft vocals. Lyrically, I can well relate to “show up” because this is something that sadly and unavoidably happens, as Aniwa explains:

“‘show up’ captures the heartbreak between friends rather than a romantic partner. It is about yearning for a reconnection with an old friend who was once dear to you, but they have long moved on, while you are still stuck in the nostalgic past. It grapples with the reality of coming to terms that they won’t come back to you, but you still naively wait for them and hold onto the very small hope that you can reconnect again.”

Listen to “show up,” our Song Pick of the Day:

Connect with Aniwa and add “show up” to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and YouTube: