Angela Sclafani - Bell Jar

Angela Sclafani - Bell Jar

New York-based singer-songwriter, performer, and theatre-maker Angela Sclafani released the beautifully bright “Bell Jar,” a song filled with her signature blend of delicate harmonies and indie-rock passion. “Bell Jar” is one of these songs that you can not help but love from the spot. The song’s vibe evokes glistening sunrays packaged in glass jars, ready to enjoy whenever needed.

We asked Angela about her inspiration for “Bell Jar” and she says:

I’ve been listening to a ton of folk music lately- some of those sounds definitely found their way into the song. I’ve also started to record my own vocals in my apartment, which has allowed me to experiment and build intricate harmonies that weave in and out of the main melody line. The producer (Katie Buchanan) records the instrumental parts of the song at her home studio in Brooklyn and I send over my vocal sessions from my apartment in Washington Heights. It’s great to be able to collaborate remotely. 

The contemporary and safe way to collaborate. More of this, please!  Listen to “Bell Jar,” our Song Pick of the Day:

Connect with Angela Sclafani and add “Bell Jar” to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and AppleMusic: