Amelie Blake - Hunting Games

Amelie Blake - Hunting Games

Already high in demand as a composer for film and TV (Netflix and others,) Amelie Blake now puts herself front and center. With “Hunting Games,” the British singer/songwriter is off to a great start as the enthralling song draws the listener immediately in and doesn’t let go, thanks to Amelie’s enchanting vocals and talent for catchiness paired with suspense. About the inspiration for “Hunting Games,” Amelie says:

“I was playing around with the concept of the hunter and the prey initially after hearing the song Game Of Survival by Ruelle. As I already write for publishers, I was thinking of a concept that would work for sync and licensing, and I visualised it working for a teen vampire/werewolf series, that’s when it all started to come together.”

Amelie is definitely onto something here because the desired tension is palpable. She explains further:

“The concept is about the hunter and the prey, and the song explores both the yin and yang, masculine and feminine, wanting to chase yet be chased. It’s also about escapism, as when I became a mum, I felt as though I’d lost a part of my old self, something I’m sure that most new mums go through. For me, I found it particularly difficult as a creative person to exist in both worlds.”

We know that “Hunting Games” is just the start of a flurry of independently released songs, which we had the pleasure of listening to already. Be prepared for more catch tracks to come! For now, listen to the live and/or recorded version of “Hunting Games,” our Song Pick of the Day:

Connect with Amelie Blake and add “Hunting Games” to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and AppleMusic: