Alice Pisano - Ink

Alice Pisano - Ink

Falling in love is wonderful. In “Ink” Italian, London-based singer/songwriter Alice Pisano goes out of her way to let the other person know. The upbeat, bubbly pop song is an instant mood lifter, and you want to be with her, having fun at that party.

Alice says about the song:

“I can get a bit shy in social situations, especially at big parties. But I also have a more bubbly and outgoing side, and having a crush on someone tends to drag me out of my shell. When I wrote it I was dating someone and I was in that initial infatuation phase, when you get butterflies in your stomach. It didn’t end well, but that is another story!”

“Ink” will be on Alice Pisano’s upcoming EP “Shattered But Still Cool.” Listen to our Song Pick of the Day below:

(Photo: Blackham)