Alex Winston - Hot One

Alex Winston - Hot One

Indie-pop singer and songwriter Alex Winston puts the feeling of joyfully making it through a scorching hot summer day into a magnificent and super catchy song. The hazy “Hot One” sparkles with joy de vivre and modern psychedelic touches that remind me of British indie-rockers Temples. Yet Alex Winston, the opera-trained singer that she is, adds something utterly beautiful and unique to “Hot One:” her killer vocals! Born and raised in the suburbs of Detroit, she now resides in New York and says about her new single:

“I wrote “Hot One” in Nashville at the height of a heatwave. Everyone was sweaty and pissed off. I remember sitting on a curb outside of the studio, feeling burnt out and overwhelmed, when a woman in a red pickup truck drove by, windows down, blasting Lucinda Williams’s “Joy” – she looked so genuinely happy, and it just snapped me back into the moment. I decided I wanted to write a song about finding joy, even when it feels like you are living in a post-apocalyptic summer hellscape.”

Listen to “Hot One,” our Song Pick of the Day:

Connect with Alex Winston and add “Hot One” to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and YouTube:

Photo Credit: Slater Goodson