Alas de Liona - Analogy

Alas de Liona - Analogy
Alas de Liona

Californian singer/songwriter Alas de Liona didn’t think twice when, in 2023, the British government awarded her with a Global Talent Visa. She left her home in the Mojave Desert and now lives in Scotland, where she also started to make music in earnest.

It’s been a long time since I’ve been backpacking through Scotland (twice, actually), yet I think I can hear this beautiful landscape and its vibrant people come to life in Alas de Liona’s super gorgeous new single “Analogy.” The track is accompanied by a fascinating lyric video filmed by the gifted artist herself inside Edinburgh’s famously haunted, 18th-century underground city in South Bridge Vaults. Listen to “Analogy,” our Song Pick of the Day and check out the lyric video:

Connect with Alas de Liona and add “Analogy” to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and YouTube: