AJAY - Swindlers

AJAY - Swindlers

Singer, songwriter, and multi-instrumentalist AJAY found time between touring with alternative R&B artist Orion Sun and performing with Omar’s Hat to release his entirely DIY single “Swindlers.” The result is a warm and soulful track with sprinkles of glitter and hope. Asked about “Swindlers,” AJAY says:

The song is self-produced and recorded in my own home. The song was written about my angst towards the music industry and the superficiality of the industry’s gate-keepers and even sometimes the artists.

This sentiment has come up more often recently. Artists who are trying to do their thing independently, meeting great people along the way, but also quite the one or the other sleaze. AJAY is gentle by referring to them -business people and fellow artists alike- as “swindlers,” yet there might be more descriptive synonyms crossing his mind too. They are crossing my mind, and now there’s a song about it too — a rather appealing and beautiful one.

Listen to “Swindlers,” our Song Pick of the Day:

Connect with AJAY and add “Swindlers” to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and AppleMusic: