5PM to Nowhere - Acceptance

5PM to Nowhere - Acceptance

Singer/songwriter Jacob Webb creates catchy songs with substance under the artist name 5PM to Nowhere. His new single “Acceptance” is the first offering from his upcoming EP Stoicism, set to release on May 13.

“Acceptance” resonated with me immediately, thanks to its intriguing title and lyrics to its beautiful melody, and thoughtful instrumentation.

We asked the Milwaukee-based artist for some insight and Jacob says:

I wrote ‘Acceptance’ while preparing to graduate college. Periods of large-scale change like that have a way of getting you to re-evaluate everything you normally take for granted. For me, I looked at the relationships and habits I had developed in my life and wondered whether or not they were really beneficial to my own growth and well-being as an individual. That’s the core of this song, accepting that certain parts of your life that mean a lot to you may really be holding you back.

We hope that no one is holding 5PM to Nowhere back, but that he’s onto somewhere worthwhile!

Listen to “Acceptance,” our Song Pick of the Day:

Connect with 5PM to Nowhere and add “Acceptance” to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and AppleMusic: