3 Is A Band: Moji & The Midnight Sons

There are a good 220 musicians announced in the line-up for Iceland Airwaves ’16 and I listened to the music of every single act scheduled to play. As it usually is the case with music festivals, they spread out the news over the months and then weeks leading to the festival. So I was going through the line-up again last week, and even without seeing who the band really is, alone by reading Moji & The Midnight Sons I knew, this must be a three-piece and somehow I also knew that I would like them. Scratch that! LOVE them.
Moji & The Midnight Sons are comprised of Moji Abiola, Bjarni M Sigurðarso
Listen to the mellow and moody “Island” to get an idea of one of the latest tracks of Moji & The Midnight Sons:
… and then have a peek into what a band practice between Moji & the Midnight Sons looks, sounds and feels like. Raw Power Baby!
Follow Moji & The Midnight Sons on Facebook.
Moji & The Midnight Sons play Iceland Airwaves ’16 and we are very much looking forward to seeing them live. Schedule here and here.