SONG PICK: The Slang - Nothing Lasts Forever (Video)

Today, DC-based pop-rock duo The Slang released the inspiring and utterly irresistible “Nothing Lasts Forever.” Their new single comes together with a beautifully shot music video, a fantastic mini-film, really. We wanted to know more about the song and video’s background and reached out to The Slang. The duo’s John Bobo says:
‘Nothing Lasts Forever’ is about addictions in our lives that we seem to never conquer. Addiction comes in all shapes and sizes so we wanted a video that interpreted it as an unhealthy relationship. Maybe she breaks the addiction or will the cycle continue? We worked with Director Adio Ash to film a video that has a cinematic style versus a live performance music video. ‘Nothing Lasts Forever’ is chapter 1 of a story that continues in our upcoming videos/singles.
Interesting choice, which serves the song very well. The actors Patrick Clark and Michaela Marymor, while fascinating, don’t take away from the allure and the intensity of the song but help to tell its story. New York City as the backdrop, only enhances the intriguing vibe. This is a music video to turn to again and again. Watch “Nothing Lasts Forever,” our Song Pick of the Day:
Connect with The Slang on Facebook and Instagram and add “Nothing Lasts Forever” to your playlist as we are adding it to our glamglarepick playlist on Spotify:
Photo credit: Morris Photography