PHOTOS: Avec Sans light up Lucky Lounge (SXSW)



PHOTOS: Avec Sans light up Lucky Lounge (SXSW)

The 1 am shows at SXSW are a special experience: it’s too late, you have already seen a lot of music, walked around for miles and the bed at your hotel feels like the most desirable place you can imagine. But there is one more show to see and if you are lucky, it radiates as much energy as the Avec Sans show on Wednesday night did.

This energy comes from two sources: singer Alice Fox has an impressive presence that shines through even on an almost pitch dark stage like the one at Lucky Lounge and Jack St. James lightens up his laptop performance by playing on a glittering array of launch pads. There was an impressive level of technical mastery in the show: when the drum pads refused to work, Jack tried to fix them, all while continuing to play. “He has a backup for everything,” Alice explained afterwards.

Listen to their single “Heartbreak Hi”:

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