Impressions of the extraordinary Elements Music & Arts Festival

Most of the month of August, I spent with my family in Germany and knew that I would want a “heavy dose” of music and New York, when coming back, that’s why Oliver got us tickets for the Elements Music & Arts Festival which took place for the 3rd time already. Somehow, I missed that info, also the memo to NOT wear sandals, open toe shoes or anything with heels – I did all three, and yet I made it safely through the afternoon and early evening.

When we arrived around 2 PM at the GBX Gowanus Bay Terminal, only a few hundred people were strolling around the five stages, nursing a beer or moving their hips and hula hoops. Different story 6 hours later, when the sun began to set, bathing everything and everyone in a beautiful golden light, and more and more young people kept occupying the 5 dance floors. The event organizers anticipated and audience between 6K and 10K and I would believe either number.

We checked out every area, there was so much to see, the setting so surreal and industrial. At times, I thought myself on a movie set… I was pretty drawn to the fearless BMX riders near the “fire stage” relentlessly riding the make-shift slope. The most time I’ve probably spent near the water and the aptly named “water stage” with DJs Lauren Ritter and after her John Dill. Earlier that day, we also listened in to Alex English at the “fire stage” and Herobust at the “earth stage”.

The weather being picture perfect, with`so much to see and listen to. People were incredibly mellow and  friendly and we had an all-around fantastic day! I think, I’d like to be part of it again next year, and with proper boots, some glitter in my face and some feathers in my wardrobe, I might even starting dancing and having an even better time…

For many, many more photos of festival goers, visit the festival’s facebook page where photographers post their photos. Oliver and I only had our iPhones with us that day (we at least got THAT memo, to leave pro-gear at home) and these are our shots (minus the event poster, duh):

== All concert photos by – Elke Nominikat and Oliver Bouchard ==