ALBUM REVIEW: Evvol - Eternalism

Back in 2012 Julie Chance and Jon Dark, and Irish-Australian duo residing in Berlin released their first self-titled album under the name Kool Thing. Three years later they are back with their second album Eternalism under a new name, Evvol. Behind the name change is more than just improving their Googleability without giving up the Sonic Youth reference: they broke up, reunited and redefined themselves in the meantime.

Musically, they stayed the course: electronics, with some guitar and acoustic drums and unison vocals. But the way they lay it out is good for many surprises: in just nine songs they cover some serious ground and touch genres without let themselves be defined by them. The decisively electronic opener I See You (I Am You) gives way to a series of dreamy, ethereal tracks, culminating in Starcrossed with a Santana-style guitar line. Just when you begin to get lulled in, Your Love wakes you up with weird disjointed synth and bass lines. Next up is No Love, which could be on an AlunaGeorge album with processed vocals and lush synths. There’s two more tracks, before Four Steps From Home closes as if somebody pulled the cable from the keyboard.

But Julie and Jon make it all work together. Maybe Eternalism not an album that can charm you at first listen, but it may grow on you quickly: there is a lot to discover and think about and that is what makes a great album for me.

Eternalism is out now on !K7. Listen to it on Apple Music, Spotify or stream the entire album below on Soundcloud: