NEW ALBUM: Smallpools - Lovetap!

Even in the greyest of moods and coldest of Winter days, one can’t help but being cheered up by listening to Lovetap!, the debut album of Smallpool. The band consists of Sean Scanlon (vocals), Mike Kamerman (guitar), Joseph Intile (bass) and Beau Kuther (drums), and for me this album clearly gives an indication where they four might be residing because it hardly can get more upbeat and positive singalong-indie-pop: Los Angeles! I don’t blame Sean Scanlon and Mike Kamerman having packed their bags in New Jersey one day and having moved West where they met Joseph Intile and Beau Kuther and began to make music as Smallpools.

Some of the material on Lovetap! has already been released as an EP in 2013 which also contains the indie-charts hit Dreamers a feel-good party anthem, with a driving beat, lots of synths, a chorus to easily chime in “Oh, no. Please, god, tell me we’re dreaming.” and overall great hooks. 

This is a theme for the the whole album as every single track is as bouncy and upbeat as it can be. Sometimes the sound reminds me in its playfulness of bands like Vampire Weekend or Passion Pit, most apparent on songs like 9 To 5 but also Over and Over. Personally, I like the opener American Love or the title track Lovetap! much better but in the end, I admit to succumb to albums like this, having listened to it for the last three days on repeat.

Aside from the already mentioned two favorite songs, No Story Time is another fav – always fond of songs with handclaps as my Pinterest board is proof.

The video for Dreaming is certainly no insider tipp with more than 4 million views, yet it supports the song’s message well and brings it nicely home.