NEW ALBUM: Swervedriver - I Wasn't Born To Loose You

It’s the evening before the South By South West music festival in Austin, Texas starts… my suitcase and bag are packed, my desired schedule fixed, my “listening duties” aka checking out roughly 1,500 bands -and that’s not even all- done! And yet, I can’t possibly board Jet Blue tomorrow morning without having put a few words to paper aka to our glamglare blog about how incredibly enjoyable and addictive Swervedriver’s latest album is!

By now, despite the thousands and then some bands I’ve been listening to, the one album I always fell back to in-between, was I Wasn’t Born To Lose You. Granted, when I was riding the subway or walking Manhattan’s and Brooklyn’s streets, I had plenty of time to come up with appropriate comparisons to describe the sounds on Swervedriver’s 5th studio album. Well… you just get enveloped into a big hug from the fist couple of notes on. Think of early summer, at a beach, the waves are rolling in and you’re welcoming the breeze…. that’s what you get and so much more by just listening through two thirds of the album. 

Until Red Queens Arms Races changes the mood slightly and things become more urgent… and dark. That’s the most psychedelic song but maybe also the one that presses you to really consider this album as what it is: awesome!

Late in 2014, in a conversation with a musician friend of mine, I made the statement, that I prefer it when bands select their “best” 10 songs and put them on the album. Don’t delude the quality by putting the three other really cool ones there too. My firm believe is “less is more” and I’d go with 10 fantastic songs over 15 fantastic and not so great ones at any time. My friend did not quite agree with me, although he didn’t totally disagree either. In the case of Swervedriver’s I Wasn’t Born To Loose You, I am dead sure (yes, that sure!) that they would have had MORE awesome material to put on the album but I applaud them, for restricting themselves to ten absolutely splendid songs!

It’s only March, but I am certain that this album will be among my Top 10 for 2015! I also can’t wait to seeing the four shoegazers from England live in Austin. Granted, this will not be a real “discovery” but more like a “guilty pleasure” but that’s what makes life beautiful, isn’t it?