3 Is A Band: XY&O (xyando)

Always on the look-out for cool trios, I came across XY&O (also spelled xyando) last week, and was immediately hooked! Couldn’t believe my luck. It was one of these accidental stumbles -my favorite- me just browsing around SoundCloud and picking up on songs.
Fahrenheit got released less than two weeks ago and it is such a happy, fresh, ripe song – you just want to pluck it, bite into it, and have the tastes distribute all over your tongue and taste buds or make that ear buds in this case. Just listen to Fahrenheit the newest track of XY&O – it’s physical:
It’s impossible to pick a favorite, because as far as synth pop or electronic-pop goes, this is perfect. Personally, I can not wait for the album – or EP – of this Welsh trio to get released.
Having visited XY&O’s homepage, there’s an extra special for German speakers… not sure if that’s intentional, I am pretty sure it’s not, but since I am among those roughly 200 million speakers of the German language, I get quite the heck out of the Go Go Girl dancer video. Geez. What. A. Find. Extra kudos right here!
This all aside, can’t wait to hear more from XY&0 who are onto something BIG and awesome. All the very best wishes from NeX Y&0rk!
Follow XY & O on Facebook and/or Twitter, stream their music on Soundcloud and go see them live: