LIFE SOUNDTRACK: David Bowie – Let’s Dance



LIFE SOUNDTRACK: David Bowie – Let’s Dance

This morning iTunes 80s radio played a Bowie song, which sparked the idea for this throwback. I’ve never been too much of a Bowie fan – I saw him live once in the 90s at a summer festival in Ulm, Germany, which was touted as one of his last shows (but of course, it wasn’t) and I believe, we also have a Bowie CD somewhere.

But Let’s Dance evokes a special memory for me. I heard it the first time at night in a car 1983 on the way to a skiing vacation in Austria. The announcer was all excited about something new from Bowie and while I had heard the name before, I didn’t know what to expect. Then Let’s Dance came and it sounded weird and new, something I did indeed expect from a legend like Bowie. Like a master who’s coming back to show everything how it is done.