3 Is A Band: Waylayers

Earlier this year, on a dreary February afternoon, walking through New York City, fighting the cold with thoughts of better times and new music, I had my iPhone loaded with and planning on listening to. What stood out that day was the EP Faulty Lines by the UK trio Waylayers. The music fit right into my soft spot for synth-pop from Australia and this came just from the other side of the atlantic. I remember that I had Braindrops and Magnets on repeat this day and these tracks still get me every time – they’re highly upbeat and beautifully uplifting.

The overall sound of Waylayers is very synth driven and Harry Lee (vocals, synths) manages to modulate his voice a lot. Somewhere I read that Harry Lee would be a ‘crooner’ and was wondering, yet upon listening to Rainbow Slide, I understand why this statement has been made. Together with Dave Norman (bass) and Joe Andrews (guitar), he forms Waylayers and they can be seen again at SXSW 2015, because -although on my plans for this year- I missed them. 

Waylayer’s sound is somewhere between 80s Aha and Human League, then very contemporary Cut Copy and as I’ve just been told, they’d sound somewhat like Coldplay too. Well, best you listen to them yourself and start out with Braindrops and watch the video to Magnets. Follow the band on Facebook and/or Twitter.